Monday, November 21, 2005

Last night Mary, Helen and I took 5 Ethiopian guys to Nashville to eat at an authentic Ethiopian restaurant. I got lost twice, but after 20 minutes or so or meandering, we found the Awash Ethiopian Restaurant. The only problem is that it is closed on Sundays. Genius me believed this website that said it was open until 11pm on Sundays. So, instead of authentic African food (of which Ethiopian might be the most dissimilar from Western foods - I've eaten it twice in my life, once in NYC and once in Nashville) we ate some less than appetizing stuff from Picadilly Cafeteria close to the Ethiopian place.

On the way home, I stopped to help a guy who was pushing his car down the road. The guilt pangs hit me after I passed him, knowing that last May a kind chap in the UK gave us a push when we most needed it. Last night, whenI pulled up beside the guy's car, I discovered that his English skills were less than adequate, but by pointing he was able to communicate to me where he was going. Another guy stopped to help in the interim. Of course, the thought he was helping me out, too. So after a minute he asked, "Where are we pushing this thing, too?". My reply - "I have no idea". Soon the car was rolling downhill at a faster pace than we could handle, so we trotted back to our cars and were on our way.

And speaking of other things, I was glad to see Auburn manhandle Alabama on Saturday. The weird thing is that I probably enjoyed the Vandy win over Tennessee more. One of the truly sad elements of human nature and sports is that we sometimes get more pleasure from our rivals losing than our team winning. But, hey, Go Commodores!!

If you want to see the funniest video I've seen in a while, click here: